By registering with the Casino, you give Casino your consent to the processing of your personal data described below in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Regulation of Data Protection).

1. Definitions

1.1. "Identity" means your first name, last name, date of birth and address.

1.2. "Contact details" means your email address and phone number.

1.3. "Personal data" means any part of data or information relating to a particular individual that is associated with said information or that may be directly or indirectly identified on the basis of such information.

1.4. "Controller" means "Casino."

1.5. "Processing" means any operation or set of operations that is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, regardless of whether they are automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, search, use, disclosure by transmission, distribution or other provision, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

1.6. "Website" means a website


2. Processing Volume

2.1. The controller has the right to process your personal data listed below:

a) Any information that you provide to us when completing the forms on the registration pages of our account, as well as any other data that you further send through the Website or email (for example, first and last name, date of birth, email address, phone number);

b) Correspondence with us via Website, e-mail, web chat or other means of communication;

c) Transaction history in player history, whether through Website (s) or other means of communication;

d) Login and data including traffic data, GeoIP location data, browser/device data, web logs, activity logs and other traffic information recorded in our system;

e) Documents and evidence reasonably requested by us to verify your account, process deposits or withdraw funds and conduct anti-fraud checks (on our own initiative or in accordance with the requirements of applicable law). Such evidence may include passport checks, payroll, bank statements, etc.

f) Participation in surveys or any other customer assessments that we may conduct from time to time.

3. Purpose of processing

3.1. The controller has the right to process your identity only for the following purposes:

a) Process your bets and transactions. This includes the use of credit cards and online payments;

b) Provide you with the gaming and other support services you are looking for on our Website;

c) Provide customer support, such as assistance in setting up and managing your account;

d) Identification and implementation of required verification checks;

e) Provide registered players with information about our promotions or provide promotional information from our selected business partners and partner program (only if the players specifically agreed to receive such marketing materials);

f) Compliance with legal obligations, including compliance with anti-money-laundering laws and combating the financing of terrorism;

g) Monitor and investigate transactions to prevent fraud, misuse of time, money laundering and other illegal or irregular gaming activities;

h) Analysis of customer trends through evaluation of market studies (participation in surveys is not mandatory, and you can always refuse to participate);

i) Conduct studies and statistical analysis of aggregated data

j) Send marketing messages about products, services and promotions. This may include product and service information from our business partners, such as casino game providers.


4. Duration of processing

4.1. The Controller processes your personal data up to ten years after the date of your last activity on the Site.



5. Your Rights

5.1. In connection with the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights:

a) The right to access your personal data;

b) The right to correct your personal data in case of inaccuracy;

c) The right to revoke this consent to the processing of your personal data;

d) The right to be forgotten, i.e. the right for the Controller to erase your personal data if one of the following occurs:

• Your personal information is no longer needed for the above purposes;

• You withdraw this consent to the processing of your personal data;

• Your personal data is processed illegally by the Controller;

• Your personal data must be erased to meet the Controller's legal obligation;

e) The right to restrict the processing of your personal data, if one of the following cases arises:

• You dispute the accuracy of the personal data being processed;

• processing of your personal data is illegal;

• The controller no longer needs your personal data for these purposes;

f) The right to data portability, that is, the right to receive your personal data, which is processed by the Controller using technical means (stores in the electronic register, etc.) in a structured machine-readable format.

6. Send data to third parties

6.1. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties.

6.2. We may disclose your personal information if required by law, regulation or other legal summons or warrant. We may also disclose your personal information to a regulatory or law enforcement agency if we believe it is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the Company, its customers or any third party.

6.3. Personal data will be disclosed only to third parties in the following cases:

a) if we are obliged to do so by law;

b) if the Website is to exchange data with payment processors to facilitate payment transactions in accordance with their privacy policies;

c) comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and those of the relevant licensing and regulatory authorities, as well as all obligations arising from any other applicable law and any other applicable regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions;

d) where the Company considers that disclosure is necessary to protect the security of the Company or the player, or the security of others, to investigate fraud or to respond to a request from the Government;

e) If our marketing service providers require data to perform their tasks;

f) to any third party with the player's prior consent to do so.

6.4. We use third-party data processors to process limited personal data on our behalf. Such service providers support the Website, especially with regard to hosting and website operations, marketing, analytics, website improvements and e-mailing. We guarantee that the transfer of personal data to the recipient is in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Act and that the same obligations are imposed on the processor as imposed on us under the relevant Service Agreement.

6.5. Our websites may also include social networking features (such as share or like buttons). These features are provided by third-party social media platforms such as Facebook. Where data is collected in this way, its processing is governed by the privacy policy of the relevant social media platforms.

6.6. In addition to the above, we can also release personal data if we purchase new businesses. If the Company has any changes in its structure, such as merger, acquisition by another company or partial acquisition, it is most likely that our customers' personal data will be included in the sale or transfer. We, as part of our Policy, will inform our players by e-mail before making such a transfer of personal data.

6.7. Please note that our content may refer to third-party websites to provide appropriate links. We are not responsible for any external content that may contain separate privacy and disclosure policies.


7. Data Storage

7.1. As stated in our Terms of Use, you and the casino may decide to close the player account at any time. Once your account is closed, we will keep your personal information in writing as long as required by law. These data should be used only when the competent authorities request information on financial and tax reports, fraud, money laundering or investigations into any other illegal activity.

7.2. It should be noted that due to anti-money laundering rules in licensed gaming jurisdictions in the European Union, we are required to store the personal data of players submitted at the time of registration and any data transferred during the operational period of the player's account, at least five years from the player's last transaction or account closure. Therefore, erasure requests cannot be considered before this period expires.


8. Secure Your Data

8.1. We hereby acknowledge that when collecting and processing your Personal Information for the purpose of managing your player account, we are required to comply with strict legal provisions on personal data protection.

8.2. Therefore, we try to protect your personal information and respect your privacy in accordance with best business practices and current rules. Committed to providing secure services to players, we will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that all data you provided to us remains secure.

8.3. Player accounts can only be accessed with a unique player ID and password. You can also configure two-factor authentication as additional protection against unauthorized use of your account. You are responsible for the privacy of your login information and make sure that another person cannot use it.
